Fibromyalgia Specialist


Fibromyalgia services offered in San Jose, CA

Fibromyalgia is a complicated disorder that causes intense pain throughout the body. At the Center for Pain & Rehabilitation Medicine, Michael Jadali, DO, RPh, FAAPMR, offers specialized care for patients with this disorder in the San Jose, California, community. The practice takes a holistic approach to many conditions and provides thorough exams and personalized treatments for fibromyalgia and other pain disorders. To learn more, contact the practice today by calling or booking an appointment online.

What is fibromyalgia?
Fibromyalgia is an often misunderstood disorder that leads to widespread pain throughout your musculoskeletal system. Other symptoms, including fatigue and sleep problems accompany the pain.
It’s believed that the pain associated with fibromyalgia results from a malfunction in the pain receptors in your brain and spinal cord. This often intensifies normal pain, regularly making it unbearable to deal with.
The symptoms of fibromyalgia often begin after a triggering event, such as an infection, traumatic event, or episode of intense stress.
What are the signs of fibromyalgia?
Widespread pain in your body is often one of the first signs of fibromyalgia. However, there are other accompanying symptoms, which include: 
  • Fatigue
  • Feeling tired
  • Stiffness in your body
  • Sleep issues
  • Depression or anxiety
  • Headaches
The condition also coincides with other medical problems, including depression, migraines, and chronic fatigue syndrome.
How is fibromyalgia diagnosed?
There’s no one test to determine if you have fibromyalgia. Often, the symptoms of this disorder mimic other problems, so it’s difficult to diagnose. 
The practice takes time and effort to get to the bottom of your symptoms. This includes strategies such as:
  • History and physical exam
  • Symptoms
  • Blood work, including traditional and functional medicine laboratory work-ups, is not commonly done by other physicians
  • Diagnostic studies to rule out other problems
The Center for Pain & Rehabilitation Medicine team rules out other causes of your symptoms to make sure fibromyalgia is an accurate diagnosis.
Can fibromyalgia be treated?
Although fibromyalgia can’t be cured, there are plenty of treatments that can ease your symptoms and subdue your pain. The practice takes a medical and holistic approach when treating you for fibromyalgia. Some of the therapies that the practice provides include:
  • Gut microbiome evaluation and treatment
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy
  • Medications
  • Measured supplements, after extensive analysis through specialized laboratories
  • Hormonal evaluation
  • Minimally invasive localized procedures
  • Osteopathic Manipulative Therapies
  • Gradual and measured return to exercise 
  • Stress management
  • Good sleep hygiene
Lifestyle changes and alternative therapies also help with your fibromyalgia symptoms. The practice provides specialized care and is committed to helping you through every treatment step.
If you’d like to learn more about fibromyalgia treatment, call the office in San Jose, California, or book a consultation on the website today.